Infinity sign to attract money

Top 5 amulets that are sure to attract money

Income is not always determined by how much time a person spends working. There are many cases where people have made a lot of money without doing much work. Special talismans “loaded” to attract wealth help to achieve this result.

Never-ending figure of eight

Eight is a symbol that brings wealth. Therefore, it is recommended to keep at home money notes with a number that begins or ends with this number. The more eights, the higher the chances of acquiring wealth.

This is explained by the fact that an inverted number forms the sign of infinity. It is believed that banknotes depicting a figure of eight can attract infinite wealth for the owner. In this case, it is important to keep money at home. Carrying such notes in a purse or pocket is not recommended.

Esotericists also recommend to stock up on amulets depicting the sign of infinity. Such talismans can be in the form of body jewellery (pendant, ring, and so on). Optimally, if such items are made of expensive materials such as gold or silver, which themselves attract wealth.

Talismans in the form of money signs

Amulets in the form of a money sign, such as a ruble, dollar or euro, stand out among talismans which attract riches. Such items can be represented as coins, pendants or other jewellery. It is recommended to put the former in pockets, purses or bags. As a symbol that brings good luck and wealth, esoterics advise using an “unspent” ruble (a coin that is always in your wallet and not spent on purchases).

Such images can also be used as a body adornment. To increase efficiency of such a talisman, it is recommended to wear the latter on a red cord or a gold chain. This colour increases speed of attraction of money.

A frog made of gold

A frog is considered a magical animal in many countries of the world. In particular, the Chinese use it as a talisman to attract money. It is thanks to them in other countries that amulets in the form of frogs began to be used to improve financial well-being.

A frog for wealth

Experts recommend placing a statuette toad with a coin in its mouth at home. Such a figurine stimulates an inflow of money into the family. The toad should be placed in the south-eastern part of the room. For acceleration of a money stream, it is recommended to put a gold frog in a pocket, bag or a purse. Such amulet will increase good luck in financial matters and protect the owner from unnecessary spending. In order that flow of wealth will not run out, it is necessary to thank the frog each time you receive a significant amount of money.

Four-leaf clover

A four-leaf clover has been considered a symbol of good fortune for many centuries and in many cultures. The most potent talismans are those found at night when the moon is clear.

You can also use pendants and other jewellery depicting four-leaf clovers. Optimally, the piece should be complemented with a green chrysolite (attracts money) or diamond (symbolises wealth and luxury).

Lock and key

The key is also an ancient talisman with magical powers that can open entirely different doors, including the path to financial prosperity. A pendant with this image has a similar effect. This talisman promotes career advancement, stimulates business development and increases income. And the castle preserves the accumulated wealth.
Both symbols complement and strengthen each other’s action.