
Top 10 most expensive gemstones

There are several varieties of precious stones in the world that are valued the most. The following list contains only minerals that are actively used in jewelry.

№10 Garnet tsavorite

The gemstone is a variety of grossular garnet. It has a green color, and in the sun shimmers with a yellowish tint. Interestingly, the mineral was found only 50 years ago. Kenya is considered to be the homeland. Tsavorite garnet is mined in a few African countries.

№9 Red spinel

Spinel includes several stones of different colors. Red minerals look more beautiful. Spinel jewelry is considered a symbol of luxury and aristocracy. Previously, they adorned the crown of Russian monarchs, for example, Catherine II. Today, its value is rising as its popularity increases.

№8 Garnet demantoid

The stone is part of a rare variety of andradite garnet. It has several green hues. Sometimes there are yellow varieties. A distinctive feature of the stone is dispersion: in the sun it shimmers with different colors. For the first time, demantoids were mined in the Urals in the middle of the 19th century. Since then, they have been actively used in jewelry. The price of the product is from 10 thousand euros per carat.

№7 Tourmaline Paraiba

The most popular and expensive variety of Tourmaline is Paraiba. The stone was first found in 1988. It has the original neon blue tint. Most of these stones are mined in Africa. The cost of jewelry varies between 8-12 thousand euros per carat.

The most expensive and rare gems on the planet

№6 Sapphire Padparadscha

The rarest variety of sapphires. It has a pinkish-orange hue. A distinctive feature is a high degree of hardness (9 points on the Mohs scale). Stones are mined in only three deposits. One of them is in Sri Lanka, the other two are in Africa.

№5 Emerald

The chemical composition of the stone makes it possible to classify it to the mineral beryl. Such precious products are characterized by fragility. They should be handled with care and not subjected to impact. The cost of stones varies between 7-13 thousand euros per carat.

№4 Blue sapphire

The main advantage of the stone is its rich blue color. These are hard minerals that work well. The most expensive blue sapphire was sold at Sotheby’s for 243,000 euros.

№3 Rubies

Intense red color and high strength are the distinguishing features of the ruby. The cost of a quality stone is from 25 thousand euros per carat. Unheated minerals are valued more expensive than heated counterparts. There are several rubies in the world (for example, “Sunrise”) that have been sold for millions of euros.

№2 Blue Diamond

A rare and expensive mineral that includes boron in the crystal lattice. It is one of the hardest gemstones in the world (on the Mohs scale – 10). The color saturation is weak, but additional gray or green shades give the product originality. Even the smallest stones cost from several thousand euros.

№1 Red diamond

The rarest mineral. The number of such stones of a pure red hue is less than a hundred in the world. The cost of 1 carat starts from 500 thousand euros. The price of some products reaches hundreds of millions of euros. Without a doubt, red diamond ranks first in the list of the most expensive stones.